Monday, July 15, 2013



1. What is the effect of STEMTech AFA Extract™?
STEMTech AFA Extract™ is a blend of two components extracted from the widely consumed aquatic botanical Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA ). One extract, which contains an L-selectin ligand, supports the natural release of stem cells from the bone marrow. The other extract, a polysaccharide-rich fraction named Migratose™, may support the migration of stem cells out of the blood into tissues.

2. What is the science behind STEMTech AFA Extract™?
The effect of STEMTech AFA Extract on stem cells was tested in a double blind, placebo controlled, cross over study. In belief, volunteers rested for one hour before the first blood sample, which established the baseline level in the number of circulating stem cells. After the first blood samples, volunteers were given STEMTech AFA Extract or placebo. Thereafter, blood samples were taken at 30, 60, and 120 minutes after taking the consumables. the number of circulating stem cells was quantified by analyzing the blood samples using Fluoresence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) . This was then done again with volunteers switching groups. So whoever got STEMTech AFA Extract  got placebo and vise versa. Since the study is blind no one, not even the scientist doing the study know which placebo and which is STEMTech AFA Extract. Comsuption of STEMTech AFA Extract triggered a significant 25% increase in the number of circulating stem cells.

3. How does an increase in the number of circulating stem cells lead to optimal health?
Circulating stem cells can reach various organs and become cells of that organ, helping such organ regain and maintain optimal health. Recent studies have suggested that number of circulating stem cells is the key factor; the higher the number of circulating stem cells the greater is the ability of the body to heal itself.

4. What is the optimum way of taken STEMTech AFA Extract capsules?
STEMTech AFA Extract can be taken with or without food, though some people at times experience some heaviness when taken on an empty stomach. The same experience has been reported when taken with an acidic juice like orange juice. Otherwise, STEMTech AFA Extract can be taken with any fruit or vegetable juice, or with water.

In our studies, STEMTech AFA Extract was always taken in the morning. However it is quite possible for STEMTech AFA Extract might bring greater effects when taken before sleep, as the body tends to regenerate better during sleep. This is being said, this remains to be studied. At this point, with the data available, the best way to take STEMTech AFA Extract is to take 2 capsules once or twice a day, in the morning or morning and evening.

5. Is STEMTech AFA Extract truly natural? Organic? Non-genetically modified? Farmed?

STEMTech AFA Extract is made of two extracts from the aquatic botanicals Aphanizomenon flos-aquae ( AFA ). AFA grows naturally in a pristine lake of Southern Oregon, it is therefore wildcrafted, not farmed or manipulated in anyway, hence no genetic modification. STEMTech AFA Extract is produced by an Organic certified facility and is certified Organic.

6. How is STEMTech AFA Extract different from whole AFA?

Whole AFA has been used for more than two decades with a good track record of safety and health benefits. Whole AFA has been use as a natural anti-inflammatory product, to support the immune system, and to improve mental clarity and mental energy. Over the past few years STEMTech's scientific team has isolated and identified the various components in AFA responsible for the various health benefits of AFA. In brief, AFA has been found to contain phenyletylamine ( PEA ) responsible for providing a feeling of mental energy, phycocyanin responsible for the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, a polysaccharide responsible for supporting the immune system, and most recently an L-selectin ligand responsible for the release of stem cells from the bone marrow.

STEMTech AFA Extract is a 5 : 1 concentrate of AFA that concentrates the four compounds listed above. It is specifically designed and developed to support stem cell physiology, but it also concentrates other compounds unique to AFA, bringing unique support for the whole body.

7. Why does the label STEMTech AFA Extract say to consult your physician if you are pregnant or nursing? What if i get pregnant while I am taking STEMTech AFA Extract?

Many products carry such warnings out of an abundance caution rather than any known pregnancy risk. We know of no evidence that consuming STEMTech AFA Extract during pregnancy creates a health risk.

8. Does STEMTech AFA Extract contain iodine?

Most people think that all algae are a significant source of iodine. This is not the case with freshwater algae Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA). The Recommended Daily Allowance of iodine is 150 mcg (microgram). AFA has an extremely small amount of iodine, only 0.39 mcg per gram. Marine algae and seaweed by contrast are significant source of iodine.

9. Can you take STEMTech AFA Extract if you are being treated by health care practitioner for a specific aliment or are taking medications of any kind?

As with any dietary supplement it is recommended that if you are being treated by a health care practitioner or are taking medications of any kind that you consult with your practitioner prior of taking STEMTech AFA Extract.

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